Meaning that if a devoted fan wished to sleep with her they would be interfacing their human-half with her bestial-half and committing pseudo-bestiality during intercourse. A reference to the fact that while she may behave and be able to interact just like a human, Centorea's lower body (and by extension, her genitalia) is equine. Horse Pussy: This meme originates from a panel of the centaur-themed doujinshi Ja Ja Uma Sailor Fuku/ Wild Horse In A School Uniform, by Kuroshiki, with altered dialogue, but has gone on to be used in reference to other centaur characters, Centorea included.This reference is jokingly made by character-haters when listing the character's undesirable features. Bird Cloaca: A reference to the fact that while she may behave and be able to interact just like a human, Papi's lower body (and by extension, her genitalia) is avian.Birp: A cutesy term used in reference to birds.

Snake Cloaca: A reference to the fact that while she may behave and be able to interact just like a human, Miia's lower body (and by assumption, her genitalia) is serpentine.Snek: The cutesy term "snek" derives from a deliberate spelling mistake in a caption of a photo of an Indian woman holding a giant snake, the popularity of which led to an entire subreddit devoted to images of snakes with and without additional cute interior monologue.As the fandom orients the character as a representative of their species, to create an image of the character as a different species is jokingly referred as "committing heresy". (eg Rachnera Arachnera as a Centaur, Centorea Shianus as a human). Heresy: A type of Monster Musume fan-created image that features a specific character as a completely different species than what they originally were.Usually as part of a proclamation of devotion or a rally cry. Best Girl: A term fans use to refer to their favoured female character.